Oh no. OH NO.
I kept putting off rendering this page because it was a LOT of little details. I finally pushed through it, though, and am quite proud of it! Sorry this page is going publicly online late. I lost track of dates this week due to a change in my work schedule and had to postpone the public upload so my Patrons could see the page first!
In addition, this will be the last page for awhile. Sorry to leave it on such a cliffhanger! I am working on the next batch, but this time of year always slows down my art progress a ton, so I can't give a good date for return. I'm gonna take a shot and say some time in December earliest. Until then!! Thanks for reading!!
Favorite panel: 2
Least Favorite panel: 1
Personal Crits (ones I'd prefer you not mention):
-Perspective errors/size inconsistencies/wonky anatomy (aside from painfully obvious errors)